Emma Labattaglia.
Emma Labattaglia is a Contemporary Artist with a background in Fine Arts painting. She finished her studies in Melbourne - Australia, and Italy in 2003. Emma grew up from a young age watching her Opa draw and painting his backyard studio. With a cigarette hanging out of his mouth, he shared with her his creative world. Emma went on to create an illustration business, working in fashion and poster art.
Emma now resides in a coastal town about an hour from Melbourne, working out of her home studio surrounded by rugged ocean and bushland. She is intrigued by the organic beauty versus the manufactured beauty surrounding us. Emma explores the conflict she has with this reflection.
By using a wide array of materials as well as presenting natural forms in a synthetic way, and vice versa, Emma presents her abstract view of the natural and man made world.
“I am a contemporary Australian Artist, working out of my home studio on the beach in Mornington Peninsula/Victoria.
I have always been interested in exploring organic world contrasting the synthetic. It is an idea that has always stuck with me whilst creating my art. I question the superficial way most of us live in the Western world. Something I am fully immersed in myself, yet struggle with the process and decisions we make
My art is a personal, emotionally driven journey. I try to express my thoughts and feelings throughout the creation process and the finished product. I use different materials in my work, juxstaposing the natural rawness of messy oil paint/stick, collage, charcoal with spray paint or a solid colour/shape. I use organic forms, representing them in a synthetic way. Or through contrasting materials, with shapes, patterns and colours, against hard and soft.”
Previous Works
Select Past Works 2024.