Vol. 06 Loralee Jade / Solo Exhibition

On Saturday 6 April we had the honour of opening Loralee Jade’s solo exhibition at the gallery with an intimate dinner alongside friends of The House and Loralee’s Family.

View the journal here.


Artist Statement ‘Through this to that’ SOLO EXHIBITION, 2024.

‘There is no clear cut sentence I can write to explain what this collection of paintings is about. It’s much more nuanced than I could possibly depict through words. All I can say is that the creation of these works shared space with the tenderness of resurfacing after a mental breakdown, the pure joy and excitement with the news that I am becoming a mother for the first time, the heartache of family fall outs, the grief of change and the magic of simple summer days.


On one hand everything is simple, with clear edges and boundaries. Contents held in one place, spilling at a minimal, and if present containable. And on the other it is so complex and multifaceted, the forms move and hover in all directions. The colours almost vibrate off of each other in a rhythmic dance of compromise and leaps of faith.

There is immediacy and pouring over, clean cut and murkiness - all hold truth in this moment. Various cogs are turning, some have never been in service before (in this lifetime), some are worn out and creviced. These parts are clumsily learning to work together. One constant is movement, some slow and measured, others wild and erratic.


I feel exactly like that. Full of shifting colours that simultaneously contrast and compliment each other,  the tension and tenderness of transitions, when you’re no longer who you once were and have yet to arrive at who you’re becoming. Bursting with equal parts joy, gratitude, fear and worry. Through This To That is a plea for tenderness while my heart rearranges.’


'On one hand everything is simple, with clear edges and boundaries. Contents held in one place, spilling at a minimal, and if present containable. And on the other it is so complex and multifaceted, the forms move and hover in all directions. The colours almost vibrate off of each other in a rhythmic dance of compromise and leaps of faith.'Words by Loralee Jade

Loralee Jade's highly anticipated solo exhibition,'THROUGH THIS TO THAT'  features a combination of her sought after silk pieces and works on canvas full of shifting colours that contrast and compliment one another. 

To view the ‘Through This to That’ catalogue; Loralee Jade's latest collection, please reach out here

275 Harbord Road, Dee Why, 2099

Opening Hours:

Monday - Thursday . 9 - 5

Friday - Saturday . 9 - 3

Sunday . Closed

To book an appointment outside our opening hours please click here.


“When painting I lose track of time. I’m aware that something is happening but I don’t know what it is. It’s much like the wordless thoughts conjured by looking into a fire or the tender recollection of a dream upon waking. It’s more about the feeling than the seeing. Perhaps it’s all just a forlorn attempt to give shape to feelings of compassion, grief and horror.”

-Loralee Jade

Loralee Jade’s painting is concerned with the ways that painting can be utilised to look at what can be represented beyond the use of language. The delicate, intuitively developed works of Jade’s practice draws upon memory and personal experience, offering an evocative visual space that is suggestive of figuration, whilst simultaneously dissolving into abstraction. The experience is sensuous, luscious, bodily and emotional. 

View current available work here


