Jamie Preisz.

Jamie Preisz is an Australian artist whose work focusses on modern vanitas and romanticism in painting, narratives of human experience and consumption.

Born in 1990 he works across portraiture, videography and painting, Jamie uses a more classical style of oil painting to depict scenes and still lives in a more contemporary context.

Jamie has been exhibiting since 2014. Selected exhibitions include, 2016 “Yalkuna” Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA) The Rocks, Sydney, 2014 “Sleep alone” Espace quinzequinze, Paris, France, 2019 "Soft Machine" Jerico Contemporary Woolloomooloo, 2019 "Sydney Contemporary" Booth C07 Carriage Works and a solo exhibition in october 2020. Jamie has won multiple awards including the packing room prize for the archibald and being a finalist in many more.

Jamie’s work is included in numerous collections he currently lives and works From Sydney Australia.

2023 - Passive Regressive



Show Notes

Made on his recent residency in Portugal, Jamie explores an unconventional blend of Still life and landscape within each work approaching themes of deterioration and consumption in a classical style with a contemporary twist.

The painted pieces began as a singular canvas painted in a gradient from blue to red, the back- ground was used as a large picnic rug by the residents in Messejana where it absorbed the wine spilled that day and the impressions of the river stones it sat upon.
Throughout his six month travels Jamie collected various objects from Portugal, France, Ireland, Germany, Italy and Turkey to depict in carefully curated still life scenes resting upon the shallow water.

The work can be viewed as a series of “islands” in which the objects represent different stages of de- cay. The beginning of the painted pieces is a vibrant blue where the fruit depicted is ripe and the still life subjects are bright and shiny. As the series progresses the fruit starts to rot and the surrounding objects deteriorate. The clouds in the backgrounds of the pieces are a direct reference to the Portu- guese sunsets and offer a sense of atmospheric scale.

The paradoxical approach of blending intimate still life scenes with grand and engrossing landscape is new in Jamie’s practice. Jamie in previous exhibitions has challenged himself to venture across tra- ditional form divisions to elevate his work and challenge his audience. This work features reflections in water a notoriously difficult and technical aspect of painting.

The Exhibition also features a film made in collaboration with Cheyne Tillier-Daly a prominent cin- ematographer and DOP known for his campaigns in the luxury fashion world of Paris. Finally the site specific installation invites the audience to “trip” through the series with surreal whimsy.


